It's about time

From national champions to newbies alike, over 1500 autocrossers, time trails competitors, HPDE drivers, wheel to wheel racers, and sim racers have enrolled in The Complete Autocrosser's Manual and The Complete Track Driver's Manual. These courses are the most comprehensive systems for understanding all of the nuances of driving on track and maximizing your performance, no matter your current skill level.


Driver Development Programs

The Complete Autocrosser’s Manual

Transform your driving with the most comprehensive system for understanding all of the nuances of autocross and improving your performance, no matter your current skill level. You will learn how to perfect your line selection, improve your car control, minimize the effect of mistakes, perform better under pressure, and more. We’ll even go over frame-by-frame footage from some of the best autocrossers in the country to dissect how they put the principles we cover into practice.

The Complete Track Driver’s Manual

Whether you are new to HPDE/track driving or a competitive wheel to wheel racer, this course will give you all the tools you need to never be confused about finding the ideal line on any track in the world. You will have a bulletproof system to build your driving skills as well as master the mental side of performance. If you are tired of the common hand-me-down advice and are ready for a comprehensive curriculum to help you improve, this course is for you.